Today’s episode is reserved for those who take the attitude that “reading information about non-hospital life alone can’t be followed” without doing diet and lifestyle maintenance, neglecting to win diabetes from that…
Dear, The most painful thing is that some somber members of non-hospital life, diabetes is not there, it can be ignored, modern doctors are just scaring us, we are in non-hospital life group, so nothing will happen to us. I came up with the idea of writing this episode to warn one of my dear ones who has come to such a decision…
About 80% of people with diabetes can be cured permanently. 50% of people are definitely drug-free just by diet alone. 30% can be cured by medicines, following a very strict diet. This means not following the diet, not exercising, just reading the information, beware those who don’t follow it – If you forget about diabetes, it is a big risk!!
This is because diabetes is caused by the fat content, which must be melted by exercise and controlled by diet. Otherwise, this disease can cause heart, brain, and kidney disorders due to the inability of nerves to nourish blood vessels. So, “hospital-free living” lines are not endorsing living in the attic, just saying no to drugs. And the purpose of this group is to inform about the dangers of modern medicine, to live a happy life only if you are disease-free…
Those who find it impossible to maintain food should not be discouraged. Take the medicines you have for now, stay sober… Just reading books will not give you health…
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